On 17/08/14 09:48, Brynn wrote:
I recently subscribed to the user list, but I didn't even know about #inkscape user channel. That's an IRC channel...or....that's not
is it? (Sorry, I don't participate in the whole social media thing.) However, I'm quite familiar with messages posted in forums, and somewhat with messages posted in Launchpad Answers.
That's an irc channel, yes. irc://freenode/#inkscape There is an inkscape twitter but i don't know much about it (btw, maybe we should announce .48.5 on it)
On 16/08/14 21:38, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Similarly, if you follow the user list or the #inkscape user channel and see questions being asked a lot (and that sound likely to continue being asked long in the future), consider adding Q&A's for those.
From my experience on #inkscape, the two most asked questions on
#inkscape are [hh:mm:00] *inkscaper424242<kiwiirc@...3144...> joins [hh:mm:15] <inkscaper424242> hi, can i ask a question ? [hh:mm:28] *inkscaper424242<kiwiirc@...3144...> quits [client quit]
"how to install on mac os x ? i downloaded the program and it won't launch"
+ some "how to make it work with my [specific] cutting machine ?" from time to time.
As for the user mailing list, i'm not sure. -- Mc