On 10/28/2009 02:59 PM, Arcadie Cracan wrote:

Actually, it depends (as suv hinted on the irc - thanks) on the speed of the 
cursor. You have to have some potential snap targets (some drawing) in order 
to reproduce it:
1. Have some drawing on the canvas,
2. select the pen tool,
3. move your mouse quickly for some time,
4. click somewhere near a drawing for a new line.

You will notice that the snap indicator appears correctly on the grid, put the 
line starts somewhere in between...

Confirmed and fixed by the patch below, but only if it's the same bug were talking about. I left some of my own code commented out for some reason, and re-enabling it fixes this issue.

Because it's only a minor issue and because I cannot remember why I disabled this piece of code in the first place, I propose not to include this patch in v0.47


Index: /home/diedenrezi/eclipse/InkscapeSVN/src/event-context.cpp
--- /home/diedenrezi/eclipse/InkscapeSVN/src/event-context.cpp    (revision 22539)
+++ /home/diedenrezi/eclipse/InkscapeSVN/src/event-context.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -954,14 +954,14 @@
-        /*case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS:
+        case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS:
         case GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS:
         case GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS:
             // Snapping will be on hold if we're moving the mouse at high speeds. When starting
             // drawing a new shape we really should snap though.
-        */