On 2006-December-15 , at 07:20 , Jon A. Cruz wrote:
On Dec 13, 2006, at 3:20 PM, Michael Wybrow wrote:
I'm completely comfortable with our "suggested" method of installing Inkscape's dependencies for developers on OSX be via DarwinPorts, though someone else will have to take charge of updating our instructions on the wiki as I don't use DarwinPorts and don't have the time to investigate it right at the moment.
This would probably be very helpful.
If someone had updated instructions at some point, then I could try following them to get off of fink and thus ancient GTK versions.
I began adding some. I'll try to add some more when I get a chance to, but right now I still encounter issues that prevent the creation of an app bundle with DarwinPorts. I think I found something to investigate. I'll digg a bit there and report this on the wiki page.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/