On Oct 6, 2007, at 9:49 AM, Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art wrote:
What if the swatch remained, but clicking the swatch opened a small dialog with the proposed widget? You would still have a dialog, and though it would not be necessary for regular gradient editing, it would be available for more advanced editing.
That sounds to me like the minimum we'd need to support. We could probably expand things from there.
It also brings up one thing I was thinking... we might want to try to split gradients into two concepts. First there is the patter and stops themselves. Second there is how it is applied.
So then linear vs. radial, user vs. object coords, and spread method belong to the *application* of a gradient, while the sequence of colors is the gradient itself.
Among other things, breaking the concepts apart will allow for simple sharing of gradients with other apps like GIMP, Krita, etc. It also seems like a more user-friendly way of dealing with them.