On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 05:37:37AM -0800, Ted Gould wrote:
I took off the SCALE guy.
On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 02:00 -0700, John Taber wrote:
Inkscapers: Can we pull together a display if we get the table top ?
Yeah, I think we could probably put something together. But, I've never had a booth before, so I'm not sure what that'll entail. I imagine the best thing is to pull out some of the examples and make them into hard copies. I've also got the flier that Mr. Docs made for us a while ago, perhaps that can be updated also.
If it's like LWE, basically they give you an ethernet drop and a power outlet, a table and a few chairs. There may be a sign on your booth, but it's usually worthwhile to bring something large you can hang up over it. It's worthwhile to have a system set up that you can demo on (e.g., an lcd, mouse, and keyboard attached to a laptop). Handouts are a great idea; brochures especially - you can go through a huge stack of them in a few hours.
For one OSS project, the boothies also brought a stack of CDRs and cases and sold them there at the booth, which helped cover the cost of the booth display materials and attendance.