On 10/17/07, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
However I agree that having a better functionality in the old release than in the dev builds feels strange. I have had to keep a copy of 0.45.1 at hand to export some of my PDFs which were fine in 0.45.1 but mostly rasterized by Cairo. Why should these two PDF exporters be exclusive? Couldn't we have _both_ in the dev builds? Furthermore, if Cairo does not progress on this side before 0.46, one should probably have to re-enable the internal PDF exporter and it would be good to test it a bit before release IMHO.
Definitely, though which exporter to ship with depends on when we release and how much progress cairo will have by then. I suggest we revisit this issue closer to our release, and if latest cairo is still not good enough by then, we'll have to reenable the old one exactly as Mental did for 0.45.