--- Bryce Harrington <bryce@...260...> wrote:
The current UI is just a set of buttons to stick arrowheads on, which is ok for proof of concept, but for real use we need something a bit more sophisticated. I think what would be ideal would be an SVG editing widget sort of like the gradient editor, but that allows creating a regular SVG object. Sort of a mini-inkscape-inside-inkscape.
Another approach is to allow in-document editing of markers, in some fashion. Maybe something analogous to in-group editing or layers editing.
A third approach would be to have some sort of separate document window with all the marker defs there for editing.
The mini-inkscape option had occured to me, but was too big a task for the first iteration imo. My intended approach was a "convert selection to marker" button in the UI to take a selection and make a marker out of it (basically c/p it to the defs, and set some extra attributes) That coupled with a means of selecting from a drop down containing of all the markers in the current doc and the default markers shipped with inkscape (doc ones working, defualts still todo, was thinking of creating a markers.svg in share, and extracting from that, need to add previews to drop down tho.) the defaults bit shouldnt be too hard, its a cross between the gradient c/p and the icons.svg code.
Anyway, just my 2 cents
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