On 9/11/05, Jean-Francois Lemaire <jflemaire@...621...> wrote:
I've just noticed that one can delete a node from a path with the node tool by Ctrl+Alt+clicking it. This is so useful I'm surprised I don't see this mentioned in the Release Notes for 0.43. Was this already working before the /extremely useful/ recent additions to node editing?
Of course. It's in the release notes for 0.37 :)
In 0.43 we're just adding the ability to _create_ a node with the same shortcut.
Also, I don't understand this, also in the Release Notes:
"As in Selector, if you press Shift before starting to drag, you always get a node selection rubberband rectangle (even if you start on a path [but not a node!])."
Just start dragging with Shift if you want rubberband. Does not yet work if you start from a node (but it should) but protects you from surprises when you start dragging from a path.
P.S. If double-click creates a new node, shouldn't double-clicking a node delete it?
Sounds sensible to me. If there are no other ideas I'll add it.