I have posted a fix for the previously discussed problems with connector avoidance for circles, ellipses and arcs as well as translated objects.
I am curently in the UK with a very bad internet connection and very limited computer access so I can't easily read mail or get on Jabber to tell where we are in the release. For this reason I have put the patch in the tracker: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1294687&gr...
If the release hasn't already happened can someone please apply the patch before it does! Also, please check it compiles fine because while I fixed the problem on my laptop, I had to copy the changes by hand to get them anywhwere near the internet, and coulndn't connect to any of the machines at Monash where I would actually have been able to compile the change.
I'll try to check replies to this message in the list in the next day or so. I'm back in Australia in a week so \i'll talk to you all then.
Thanks, Michael