On 9/24/05, Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...> wrote:
vector transforaitons need to be added to prove inkscape is the best illustraion package in the world ( it already is but these features are a must )
Please don't say things like that or I'll insist you prove it...
... and smack you with a great big fish because talk like that is feeding the trolls and asking for trouble. Bad, bad, bad.
Hey Alan, he just said that Inkscape is the best illustraion package in the world. I like that and I think so too :) Don't you? :)
Prove it.
I want a 500 word comparision to Adobe Illustrator and I want it yesterday. You are not allow consider Price or availabity of Code in your analysis because users sure as hell wont and will slate you for it if you try. Do you want to put up with the consant abuse and comparisions to commerical products a certain well known Photo Manipulation program suffers?
Why I am always stuck playing Devils advocate?
- Alan
P.S. Saying "Inkscape is already better at some things" I can agree with but claiming it is best is asking for trouble. Get back to me when you can support CYMK and Pantone. Stop asking for trouble.
P.P.S. I realise you are teasing but I generally ingore written sarcasm.