On 4/26/06, ted@...11... <ted@...11...> wrote:
So, how about:
<path d="M 1 2 L 3 4"> <inkscape:patheffect id="org.inkscape.patheffect.a" val1="bob" val2="jack" /> <inkscape:patheffect id="org.inkscape.patheffect.b" var="true" /> <inkscape:patheffect id="org.inkscape.patheffect.a" val1="alvin" val2="jack" /> </path>
Oh, do we really need to get that complex? Non-SVG children elements, unlike attributes, will get in the way of other code A LOT. Just remember how many gotchas, bugs and weirdnesses were caused simply by adding RDF metadata. I very much prefer Aaron's original proposal - a single attribute with a simple grammar, which can contain any number of chained effects with any number of parameters. If you need fully-qualified effect names, no problem, they can be used. I just don't see why that simple solution might be inadequate.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org