Hello Eduard,

The installer must only remove directories and files that has been created during install.

If inkscape creates more files and directories or just modifies files, those must remain.

Does it happen with 0.91 as well?

Regards, Adib.

Am Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2016 schrieb Eduard Braun :
Am 09.10.2016 um 04:17 schrieb Victor Westmann:
> Thank you for your packaged version of the 0.92 pre-release. The
> installer works like a charm (but, for some reason, it pointed
> automatically to the x86 folder, which is for 32 bit software only on
> Windows. But that's fine.

Fixed in r15108 (along with some other issues)

One thing I can't seem to be able to fix are some leftover empty
directories after uninstallation. Somehow NSIS fails to release a lock
on them during the uninstallation process and prevents itself from
removal subsequently.

Does anybody have some experience with NSIS and knows what might go wrong?


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