in my search for foss design tool for UX/UI, Flow design and organization, so far only very few are available, out of that only few seems to be working (with some hardwork). but most of them are proprietary solutions or else oriented towards it.
afaik, inkscape has better design features than any other design tool out there ... however it lacks a few features to make it as a design tool for any front end designer.
those are : 1. svg to code conversion 2. library management for projects 3. parametric design convention 4. standard templates 5. animation
if those are made available through python, then it will become invincible, and i dont know about akira so far, tried but failed to build several times in this year.
like this : 1. select a target device, 2. choose a template dimension, 3. make flow for ux (from synthesized user flow in ux design with api), 4. collect/make icons, fonts, color palettes, 5. get standard components for the chosen device, 6. integrate together activity by activity in each discrete flow part of the 3 step. 7. convert every single ui from step 6 to css or android xml so that the layers, objects can be reused in Qt, Android, React.
This would definitely give free software projects an upper hand among the developer community like Fdroid, and other web based projects. However some very few projects are avaible in FOSS with such ideas, are no where near to inkscapes design versality.