On Tue, 1 Aug 2006, jiho wrote:
To make up for my mistake I'll checkout the release branch and try to produce the 0.44.1 package for OSX :-)
Last time I tried, the release branch still compiled fine and didn't crash on OS X. I see the same problems with PANGO symbols as everyone else on Mac for the trunk.
note for Michael Wybrow: I will only be able to compile Inkscape on a PPC system. Could you take care of the Intel part in order to give a universal 0.44.1 (or at least two separate packages).
David Yip would be the person to ask. He built the Mactel packages for 0.44. I just looked over them and checked everything was where it should be and nothing was missing.
Or alternatively, David Himelright might now have got his Universal tree of all the dependencies built, in which case he might be able to build the whole thing in one go.
I'll cleanup the script I was using to lipo everything together and commit it later today or tomorrow.
Cheers, Michael