Observations regarding Launchpad Git support.
1. They have a gitweb installation and it's possible to browse the code online. 2. Overall support seems rather poor at the moment. There is no way to make a release series point to a Git branch. It's also not possible to make the lp:project link on a project's page to point to a Git branch. I had to set up a Bazaar import from the Git branch on Launchpad (!). The lp:lib2geom link leads to the Bazaar import while the Code link at the top leads to the true Git repository. 3. Branch subscriptions (getting an e-mail after each commit) don't seem to work. 4. It's not not possible to transfer ownership of a repository to a different user or team. (I had to manually re-push as lib2geom-hackers.) This was not possible with Bazaar branches either. 5. It's not possible to delete Bazaar branches if anyone uploaded any code that was derived from that branch.
2016-02-06 23:30 GMT-08:00 Krzysztof Kosiński <tweenk.pl@...400...>:
One thing that wasn't mentioned so far is the broader hosted tools ecosystem. GitHub works with Travis CI - this means we wouldn't need to maintain our Jenkins installation, which suffers from space constraints. (It stopped working again a couple of weeks ago.)
Another very useful thing is that Github can be used to easily publish HTML Doxygen documentation with the gh-pages feature. It can even be done from Travis CI. Maybe we can use our website and a Launchpad commit hook to do that, though.
Best regards, Krzysztof