On Sat, 15 Jan 2005, Ted Gould wrote:
On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 18:51 -0500, MenTaLguY wrote:
Frankly, I'm with JonCruz on this one -- socket windows are the wrong way to go about this conceptually anyway, in general.
We want something more semantically rich. To begin with, something simple and more domain-specific might be appropriate, rather than trying to implement XBL+XUL or something (I'd kind of like to get our XML infrastructure cleaned up a LOT first...).
I guess there is two points here for me:
- Then we can't do things like embed KDE's print dialog, or perhaps
Window's. Those are minor cases, but I'm sure more will come along.
- I really don't want to define our own format for GUI description...
that seems like alot of effort for little gain. If we could piggyback on Glade that wouldn't seem that bad.
There was some discussion about this today on Jabber (see logs). JonCruz has some ideas along the lines of either employing glade or XForms/XUL for this. Personally, I think this would take a considerable amount of coding to do, but Jon thinks it'd be straightforward given the appropriate DOM connections underneath. In any case, I think it would be valuable to experiment with making some proof of concepts for this outside the main codebase. It would be wise to do this separately from the codebase in case one runs into a blind alley, or if it causes some new dependencies - we'd like to make sure the idea is good before committing to adding a new dep that packagers or users might run into problems with.