On 11-May-2012 03:08, Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
On 2012-05-11 00:11, mathog wrote:
Since my EMF related (and other) patches aren't making it into trunk very quickly I have put together
EMF patches? Is there any reason for them not to be applied to trunk? If not, feel free to point us in the right direction. (If you brought them under our attention earlier and we missed it, sorry.)
They have not been tested on other platforms.
Not that most of them are actually built there, since the EMF stuff seems to be specific to the Windows version. It probably shouldn't be though, as the Mac versions of PowerPoint (PowerPoint is the ultimate target of the inkscape graphics, and many of the end users have Macs) does have an "insert picture from file" that will accept an EMF file. Also there is a project libemf which could be linked in on Macs or Linux to support EMF. I have never used it, but it looks pretty complete and it uses the same names as the native Windows functions:
David Mathog mathog@...1176... Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech