On Tue, Dec 08, 2020 at 01:39:00PM -0500, doctormo@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks for working on this Bryce.
We've had discussions about moving webmaster@inkscape.org (currently going to me) to a mailing list to have it opened up to more people. Does mailman3 have a way to host a private mailing list for these kinds of email addresses?
Yes, a private list is certainly doable, though I think for Mailman3 to handle it, they'd need to be 'devops@lists.inkscape.org' and 'webmaster@lists.inkscape.org'. IIRC the webmaster@ alias is done via OSUOSL, but has to go to a single destination not a group of people.
Best Regards, Martin Owens
On Mon, 2020-12-07 at 11:40 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
----- Forwarded message from "cloudscale.ch Support" < support@cloudscale.ch> -----
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 14:02:56 +0100 From: "cloudscale.ch Support" support@cloudscale.ch To: Bryce Harrington bryce@bryceharrington.org Subject: Re: cloudscale.ch's sponsoring for Inkscape
Dear Bryce
Thanks for your message.
We are working hard for the exact feature you are asking about: Soon (tm), our cloud control panel will allow to create "organizations", which in turn can own "projects" consisting of one or more servers/resources. Multiple people/accounts can be part of such an organization and also invite others across organizations to collaborate on their projects. It will also be possible to hand over entire projects from one organization to another.
However, we expect to release a first version of this long-awaited feature within the first half of 2021 only.
In the meantime, we can offer to change your account's main email address (i.e. your username) to something more general such as " devops@inkscape.org", if that helps. For day-to-day use, you would need to share API keys and/or GUI credentials, though (which is a nasty way, admittedly, but obsolete within a few months' time). While "transferring" an entire account to another email address is possible already, transferring resources between accounts is not yet.
Having outlined the currently possible workarounds, I am glad that this big rework of our control panel will exactly fit your (and many others') use case. We are almost there...
If we can do anything else for you, please let us know.
Best regards from Zurich - Switzerland, Markus