Updated status on packages:
* (DONE) Signed tarball * (DONE) Debian packages (i386 & PPC) * (DONE) Two RPM-based distros * (DONE) Win32 EXE's
Looks like we're ready to announce unless anyone has any major concerns. Perhaps we can give it through the weekend for people to test out the packages, and plan for an announcement early Monday morning?
I put the 0.38.1 build on the server as a .zip file. I'm a bit busy right now to make the NSIS installer for it. Maybe one of the others could make that. I seem to recall an offer to that effect once. Inkscape.nsi is the definition file, someone could easily modify that for the release.
It would be very nice if someone could update it to the "Modern UI" and add the Bitstream Vera font installation. I also heard someone say that Tahoma looks better as a default font.
Thanks for looking into this, and to John Cliff for working on updating the installer.