On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 04:28:54PM -0800, Jon Phillips wrote:
I tried manually putting in the xlinks in the svg but it causes namespace problems - in any case, I would immediately lose anything that was added manually if I wanted to use Inkscape to re-edit the svg. It seems like such a useful addition to Inkscape that I thought it might be worth paying for . . depending on the cost.
I'm cc'ing the inkscape-devel list to see if others have played with this. Yes, someone in Inkscape would be interested in coding and/or working for pay ;)
The first (easier) step would be just to link to an external page which would do what I want immediately but your extended idea of zooming and panning within the svg would be an attractive second stage.
Is this what you need?
Yes, sounds great!
It looks like I may have a month off in March; I'd be open to working on this, if that's not too long to wait. I'll contact you offlist.