Le mercredi 23 avril 2008 à 17:10 +0200, Marcin Floryan a écrit :
I suppose one could think about creating an interface between Inkscape and the running external Extension via a simple messaging system using D-Bus architecture (especially that it already provides binding for Python among others). That would fit neatly with the plans to use D-Bus for Inkscape anyway.
Would be extremely useful and powerful for extension designer, better than redesign the well each time an extension need a boolean operation or sthing else !
But what would be actually really useful for some projects is that we can use data taken from the current drawing inside an extension dialog.
Just for instance, I want to design an origami diagram manager upon inkscape, where each step is stock in an svg:g with an id in a particular namespace. Writing an extension where I can manage the creation or removing of a step, open the new group in order to the step will be drawn inside it is really easy (I am on the finishing of this part) with lxml, but I would love to write another part to choose the step to edit, where the extension dialog let me shows all the step-id and title of the current drawing.
I have think about delegate some parts of my project on another gui -tkinter or something else- when I need to use datas from the drawing, but something like :
<xslt:for-each select="g[@oh:step]"> <option value="{./@id}"><xslt:value-of select="@title" /></option> </xslt:for-each>
would be really really great.
But I know .inx are loaded when inkscape is launched, thus this behaviour is currently impossible. But if begin to clean this part of inkscape...