On Wed, 2018-02-28 at 01:23 +0100, Eduard Braun wrote:
Am 28.02.2018 um 00:52 schrieb brynn:
Well this goes back to my original comments. Collecting the info isn't bad, by itself. It comes down to the intentions of the people collecting the info. And as long as we trust ourselves, there's no problem.
Only a quick comment as you've said that before and I *strongly* disagree: Real privacy/security is not about trust - it's about guaranteeing that whatever information we collect can not be misused, even if it falls into the wrong hands.
The kind of information mentioned so far can easily be collected in anonymized form and I hope we can give our visitors the guarantee no identifying information will ever be stored (or transmitted).
I'd favour a solution that does not involve third-party servers (what Martin set up seems to depend on it) - then again it makes it easier for people to block it ;-) (On that note you might also want to consider statistics usually only represent those people who do not care about privacy and therefore will likely not catch most of the tech-savvy folks which makes up a large group of Inkscape community).
No the service is ours, our machine, our databases. I think only the dns is from sandstorm