On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 10:50 PM, Arshdeep Singh wrote:
Hello all, I am currently pursuing my undergraduate studies in Computer Science and Engineering at Delhi Technological University , New Delhi , India and am looking forward to be a part of GSoC 2013.
I have been using software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop since before high-school. With the interest I had in programming and algorithms, I always wanted to contribute to such software programs. FOSS caught my attention in my second year of college and I began delving into Inkscape as it provided me an opportunity to get inside the workings of a real software almost similar to Illustrator.
I have fixed one bug till yet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/773288
*I intend on implementing a Recolor Artwork Tool that shall allow: *1) Managing Color Themes with one go. 2) Enable editing many objects' colors on-the-go (simplified interface).
This site should give some idea about what I have in mind- http://colorschemedesigner.com/ Thankyou to ScislaC for pointing this site out and lessening my burden of explaining what the tool would do.
Potential code reuse alert :)
Alexandre Prokoudine http://libregraphicsworld.org