Hi Martin,
So we're not in violation of copyright[1], but Fedora, Debian and other linux distros will be unhappy. They would prefer it if the module was kept outside of the repository and final packages and then simply required in at install time.
What does "prefer" mean in this context? Is this a strict limitation or could we still do it in case we lack a better solution?
Regarding "requiring in" at install time I already asked in my merge request: Do we have a mechanism for that? (Sorry if that's a dumb question, but I'm not native to the Linux world) As of now Scour is available from PyPI (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/scour). Would this work? Or would we have to somehow get scour packaged for every Distro out there? Then I doubt this would be a workable solution...
Either way we'd still need a way to include Scour in Mac/Windows builds which I assume complicates the whole process even more?
We could still remove the code from our repository (which I would heartily support) and have it as dependency instead. Just make sure that scour is available or we will have to make it available to the various repositories for developers.
Could you elaborate on that? How do we "make sure that scour is available" and what would be "the various repositories for developers"?
Best Regard, Eduard Braun