Not quite what you're after, probably, but I found this talk a very interesting and helpful "de-fresher" on classes, OO, and subclassing (for Python, but generally applicable):

Chapter 19-25 of the C++ FAQ might help?

I can't help you with anything Inkscape-specific, sorry.

 - Bryan

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Dennis Coyle III <coyleden@...400...> wrote:
I'm not new to programming but definitely rusty. Coming back into it for the first time in c++ has been a bit jarring.

I am looking to create a couple tools to experiment with and was wondering the best way to go about it. One will use a lot of functionality of knots but I'm not sure as to how hard it would be to subclass the knot and remove (what I believe is) the element constraint. (tell me if i'm mixing terms here). Any leads to a good subclassing refesher (i.e. what includes I really need in the subclass etc.) would be extremely beneficial.


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Bryan Hoyt, Software Developer  --  Brush Technology
Ph: +64 3 741 1204     Mobile: +64 21 238 7955