3 May
3 May
2:19 a.m.
Make sure submit a bug report to autopackage so they're aware of it. They don't seem to have a bug tracker so I guess report it to autopackage-dev@...336...
Is there a way that the dependency can be eliminated? If not, is the routine necessary to be run on Win32? Since the purpose of prefix.cpp was to make autopackage viable, and since autopackage is a *nixish thing, maybe the pthreads dependent code could be autoconfed out?
On Sun, 2 May 2004, MenTaLguY wrote:
prefix.cpp introduced a pthreads dependency that is breaking us on Win32...
Any suggestions on how to proceed?
I do think we ought to be able to use it in a threadsafe configuration, but it should be using the Glib threading wrappers for portability.