I googled a little bit and found what I've done wrong In all my confuseness, in order to fetch a brand new tree with "ckeckout", I did "make a new module called inkscape"... hum... so it didn't work (the inkscape module already existed)...
I'll avoid this kind of bad news in the future
Mathieu Dimanche a écrit :
Alexandre Prokoudine a écrit :
What exactly are you trying to achieve?
quite nothing really...
fetching a copy of the sources to compile on windows (checkout)
and then updating daily to be up-to-date
since I first checked out (4 days ago maybe) using the anon cvs access, I had a local source tree with CVS/Root folders filled with :pserver:anonymous@...360... and tortoisecvs didn't allow me (I don't know where this @!*# option could be) to change the cvsroot for all the inkscape tree... so I checked out on an already existing directory with my account... During the ckeckout, I saw that that was really not what I wanted to do so stopped it.
Googled and read the help of tortoiseCVS to find out how to change the cvsroot of a specific folder... unsuccessfully
So, finally renamed my old local tree to inkscapeOLD and checked out a brand new copy of the sources with my account
I don't seem to remember having done something else... But since I don't understand everything this toroisecvs does (sometimes tries to connect to webcvs to fetch some lists, etc...) I might throw it away and use a real cvs version through cygwin to update the source tree... I should have more control on what I'm doing
Sorry for any inconvenience mtou
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