On Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:38:45 +0000 (UTC) Nicolas Dufour <nicoduf@...48...> wrote:
Traceing-pixelart tutorial is a brand-new tutorial for 0.91. And current it describes about non-existent GUI.
The tutorial is currently fully translated to Greek and Dutch. Changing the content would break those translations, and I'm not sure the affected translators still have time to work on it. That said, it would be really bad to release a new feature with an incorrect tutorial... I'd rather have an English only tutorial.
On Sun, 23 Nov 2014 16:57:16 -0800 Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 02:01:32AM +0900, Masato Hashimoto wrote:
I would suggest if there are changes to the english versions of the documentations, to hold those for 0.91.1, and focus on just getting the existing versions translated. We probably only have a week or two left for this work.
Traceing-pixelart tutorial is a brand-new tutorial for 0.91. And current it describes about non-existent GUI.
The tutorial covers functionality that is not implemented in Inkscape currently? If that's the case then I'd definitely suggest waiting on adding it until later.
Sorry for lucking info, current tracing-pixcelart tutorial describes non-existent GUI "widget" for example:
"What connection should I keep?" is what libdepixelize asks. It tries to apply all heuristics to the conflicting diagonals and keeps the connection of the winner. If a tie happens, both connections are erased.
"What connection should I keep?" isn't existent current GUI (and was existent past revision, afair).
As for me, I already translated the tutorial but I have been found like it so waited it to be updated.