30 Jun
30 Jun
5:20 p.m.
- I think the clipping-paths-not-activating-on-load bug is related to a cut+paste mistake in sp_item_set -- if you compare the SP_ATTR_CLIP_PATH and SP_ATTR_MASK branches, one ->clip_ref has not been changed to ->mask_ref in the SP_ATTR_MASK branch. (hopefully that's right; this is from memory) Could someone please check, fix and commit that?
I would but I don't have a file to test it on. If you could provide one that would help.
- The tools currently set the newly created item's transform by directly assigning to SPItem::transform. That's incredibly bad, and I had not intended to leave it in. It'd be nice if someone could make a public SPItem::setTransform() method (which would more or less just call the private sp_item_(mumble?)_set_transform() .. sorry, this is from memory) and use that instead. SPItem::transform should really be treated as read-only by outsiders.
I just wanted to ping you about that. We have this function already, it's sp_item_write_transform that does all the compensations (stroke width etc.), calls/not calls object's own transform writer (depending on optimize/preserve) and emits signal. Why don't you use it?