On 03/10/2012 00:11, Mark Schafer wrote:
I'm modifying the nicecharts extension to make more charts and 'improve' some aspects. It now reads many lines and columns in a csv file to make several graphs at the same time.
Its going very well except for this one problem:
- when I feed it too much data inkscape locks up and does not respond.
The amount of data is suspiciously low.
Can't reproduce with Inkscape and 0.48+devel r11725 on OS X 10.7.4 and Ubuntu 12.10: both csv files render as charts without locking up inkscape.
Python version: 2.7.3 Extension options used for test (taken from preferences.xml):
<group id="extensions" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.col_key="0" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.col_val="1" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.font-size="10" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.bar-height="100" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.bar-width="10" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.bar-offset="5" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.stroke-width="2" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.pie-radius="100" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.pie-offset="0" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.text-offset="5" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.type="bar" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.filename="/tmp/nicechart_failure.csv" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.__live_effect__="0" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.delimiter="," org.ekips.filter.hello_world.labels="1" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.input_type="file" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.input_sections="data_settings" org.ekips.filter.hello_world.font="Sans" />
Can anyone help me to debug it. What am I doing wrong ?
- I have fixed a problem where lots of unused filters were being made.
- I'm pretty sure I've got my layers and groups being made correctly.
- The log shows the file runs to completion without errors but control
never returns to the users.
- To show the problem, 2 data files are available. one is good one is not.
Code logs to file for examination. You will need to modify the logfile location at top of nicecharts.py for your system.
Code is here: http://pastebin.com/6b8jcanU inx is here: http://pastebin.com/u3znJNrR you also need support code: http://pastebin.com/YKCdWJYS
datafiles: good - http://pastebin.com/7xL4cf8b failure - http://pastebin.com/sqTXb8bd
rename the files: nicechart.py nicechart.inx nicechart_colors.py