On 9/13/06, Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...> wrote:
Does this sound like an okay process? Ideas on improving it?
I always preferred the principle of single transferrable vote (STV) as it results in the least objectionable candidate getting elected. They say precedent is 9/10 of the law[1], and whatever is set now is unlikely to be changed so I do hope you will at least briefly consider it.
STV sounds like a good solution when electing multiple members, but if I understand correctly STV turns into IRV in a single winner election. I would suggest looking into Condorcet Voting in place of IRV for single winner elections. Quibbling over the details of election methods might not be worth the trouble (and I can't even vote), but I just thought I'd mention it before things got started. Some information about problems with IRV (as compared to Condorcet) can be found here: http://web.archive.org/web/20030604120545/electionmethods.org/IRVproblems.ht...