I'm not sure what these entail entirely (I haven't seen a formal definition) but if we're going off what Bryce posted on color I think we're talking at least a few developer-years of work. Spitballing, that seems like an order of magnitude off, like $300K not $20K.
I don't think it's necessary to budget for the whole project in one go. Putting together a reasonable first steps would be the way to do it, with a low tens of thousands we could kick the process into moving and **show** that the project is serious about tackling the colour management problem. This can then be used to run a funding campaign to the rest of the funding.
I believe for the administrator position, with taxes/benefits/overhead/etc it was something like $120K/yr though that was a couple years ago when we asked the Conservancy for an estimate. Probably higher (like all things) now. Also, we didn't include travel in that, and it seems like we'd want this person to attend hack fests, so we should probably include some room for that.
Because we'll be hosting the whole conversation here on the mailing list. I think it's worth linking to the notes for the whole conversations which will be kept here https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-board/-/issues/1
The next step is a meeting with the SFC to get advice for our proposal. If anyone would like another round of video meeting before going to the SFC, please let me know in the next week.
Best Regards, Martin Owens