Marc has been looking for free spaces in Paris to hold a hackfest. He's found what looks like an ideal spot:
Carrefour Numérique² located at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (an excellent modern science museum) in northeast Paris.
http://www.cite-sciences.fr/en/explore/learn/carrefour-numeriqu e2/
There are Inkscape users there and they've even written their own in- house Inkscape plug-ins to drive their CNC machines. They've hosted other open-source groups including a monthly Blender users group and twice-a-year Ubuntu parties.
They can offer us a "Numeric classroom" with five tables with power and wired Internet connection from May 29th to June 2nd.
The question is, is there sufficient developer interest to pursue this?
Please respond if you can attend. If there is enough interest I will present this option at the board meeting Friday.