I've made a pre-release to signify our increasingly frozen state. This image is more intended to help packagers to ensure that our tarballs are of good quality to make packages and to help users find bugs so that we release with as few as possible. This is not recommended for production work.
=== Tarballs and zips ===
=== MD5 Sums ===
7c794ec299573da3769dbcab1ff73182 inkscape-0.47pre0.tar.bz2 4ce7b7c349f5999ff4b233d952c132c7 inkscape-0.47pre0.tar.bz2.asc cd38689df58b7e37d17b69639fa4076b inkscape-0.47pre0.tar.gz d71511bc4684ff7204ec6c0c3dc789c4 inkscape-0.47pre0.tar.gz.asc 71cb667999b1cabac197c951a52e8219 inkscape-0.47pre0.zip ae6d202080e22334b3188f10814ed328 inkscape-0.47pre0.zip.asc
I think that's it. Thanks from everyone for putting work into this. A very exciting release is starting to take shape.