De : ~suv <suv-sf@...58...>
AFAIU 'launchpad.Edit' is a privilege or user right for the database and it seems that Inkscape administrators do have this access level to edit the project website. ()
Now that I'm in the Inkscape administrators group (thanks Bryce!), I have access to the tags list (with count!). Some suggestions (already partially discussed about two months ago): * multi-word tags should be simplified, or grouped with several existing one-word tags (ie: objects-markers -> markers; ui-guide-grid-rulers -> ui and guide, or ui and grid...). * special case: import-export. Should we get rid of it and use only exporting or importing tags instead (both if the bug affects importing and exporting). * the official list is far too restrictive, and some more tags (at least those related to the main features/objects/actions/..., or the more useful ones) would greatly improve bug management.
Official tags (Dec. 3, 23:56)
* build 47 * crash 238 * exporting 183 * extensions-plugins 108 * fonts 111 * import-export 102 * linux 74 * livepatheffects 53 * node-editing 78 * osx 109 * pdf 103 * printing 65 * saving 62 * svg 104 * text 130 * transformations 96 * translation 39 * ui 489 * win32 172
Other tags
* 2geom 1 * 3d 2 * 3dbox 17 * 64-bit 2 * all-platforms 53 * amd64 2 * animation 8 * apport-bug 3 * apport-collected 2 * apport-crash 2 * autosave 7 * bidi 2 * bitmap 44 * blur 13 * bsd 1 * build-compile-code-design 13 * cairo 20 * calligraphy 4 * cjk 2 * cli 16 * clipboard 45 * clipping 17 * clones 21 * color 60 * connectors 14 * content 5 * css 4 * desktop-integration 10 * dia 1 * documentation 6 * dxf 5 * emf 14 * encoding 1 * eps 23 * eraser 15 * extensions 4 * filters-svg 65 * freehand 1 * fullscreen 4 * gnuplot 2 * gradient 22 * grids 16 * groups 17 * gsoc2009-color 4 * gtk-osx 6 * guides 22 * hpgl 3 * importing 86 * inkboard 4 * inkscape 1 * inkview 4 * java 4 * javafx 2 * latex 1 * layers 29 * licence 1 * link 3 * markers 14 * metadata 4 * needs-confirm-on-svn-head 1 * netbook 1 * object-shape 19 * object-text 24 * objects 35 * objects-freehand-calligraphic 12 * objects-gradients 5 * objects-markers 6 * objects-nodes 13 * objects-pattern 4 * ocal 5 * odg 4 * openclipart 2 * other 92 * packaging 39 * patch 3 * path 4 * pattern 23 * pen 1 * pencil 1 * performance 56 * perspective 2 * png 4 * poppler 1 * ps 3 * psfrag 1 * python 6 * regression 33 * renderer 41 * rulers 3 * shape-editing 88 * snapping 18 * soc-2008-juca 3 * solaris 3 * stroke 5 * styles 14 * svg-xml 12 * tablet 44 * tracing 5 * tutorials 8 * tweak 2 * ui-dialogs-toolbars 61 * ui-guide-grid-ruler 1 * ui-palette-color 16 * ui-preferences 15 * ui-preview 4 * ui-selection-group-layer 55 * ui-shortcuts 19 * ui-text 5 * undo 22 * ungroup 1 * uniconvertor 7 * usability 2 * viewbox 10 * website 9 * wiki 1 * win32-vista 7 * wmf 4 * x11 1 * xaml 7 * xcf 2 * xmleditor 8