On 11/05/2012 18:30, Guillermo Espertino (Gez) wrote:
El 11/05/12 12:21, ~suv escribió:
On 11/05/2012 17:06, Guillermo Espertino (Gez) wrote:
It has to be related to Unity global menus. I'm using Inkscape on Debian Testing (Gnome Shell) and keyboard shortcuts are displayed correctly. However, it's worth to mention that menu icons were removed from default gnome3, but they can be brought back with gnome-tweak-tool. But that only applies to icons in menus, keyboard shortcuts should be there.
The global gtk setting whether to show icons or not (gtk-menu-images) is unrelated to the icons issue reported in that bug: the menu icons are there (e.g. the named ones loaded from the global icon theme), but those from Inkscape's 'icons.svg' file are not found/loaded (they use the 'missing icon' symbol instead).
Oh, ok. Thanks for the clarification. I didn't check the bug report when I replied. Notice that when I mentioned "global menus" I meant Unity's global menus (the mac-like menus integrated to the top panel that Ubuntu introduced in 11.04). I think the problem with the shortcuts lays there, and if that's correct the bug should be reported in Ubuntu's tracker.
Sigh. It _is_ reported in Ubuntu's tracker.