vellum wrote:
Since I am being picky what about going a bit further and simply going to "Inkscape031227"? The advantage of this is that all downloads will sort themselves sequentially.
Bob, your current Inkscape1227 is great but....come next week what is it going to be? Inkscape0101?
Done. I considered adding the hour of the build, the way Mozilla does it, like Inkscape04010218.exe, but, hey, that's just a bit too obsessive. ;-) Someone please give today's build (29th) a try, as there are new gtkmm dependencies, and I also experimented with stripping the debug symbols out of the DLLs to reduce the size. I hope that doesn't break anything. It reduces the download size by 3MB, and the unpacked size by 16MB.
It is at 8MB now. I need to look at the GTK stuff that is being included in the package. I'm sure we don't need everything. Currently we are delivering the whole /lib/locale dir, which I'm sure is massive overkill. However, it did generate some Russian for Bulia!
This is what I mean by the 'download factor.' All of the libraries that we can assume will be on someone's Linux box, will not be on other OS's, and we must provide them in the install.