15 Nov
15 Nov
6:06 p.m.
On Nov 15, 2007 6:56 PM, Christophe Dehais <christophe.dehais@...400...> wrote:
I wandered at that moment how hard it would be to develop an actual X input driver for the device (that could then replace the mouse in virtually any application).
On the same line, you could design an external program that modifies the mouse position. greasymouse [1] show how to modify the mouse position. The program here [2] is a bot that plays the flash game zookeeper automatically and may also have interesting code regarding the generation of X events.
[1] http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/X11/contrib/amusements/ [2] http://cima.ng-london.org.uk/~john/zoobot.c