Hi All,

I wrote a new feature for inkscape a while ago (3 years ago) but never got it upstreamed, partly because it had some obvious bugs.

Recently I wanted to use this feature again so decided to fix the code and bring it up to date with the latest code base.

I have now fixed the bugs I found previously. The code is much closer to a state where it could be upstreamed, but likely it will need some tweaks for usability.

The most notable differences are;
 - Arc segments now get a pair of handles at right angles to each other, to manipulate
     the two radii of the ellipse and the rotation of the ellipse.
 - Arc segments are no longer automatically converted to beziers upon editing a path
 - Arc segments can be converted to beziers using the "make segments smooth" button
 - Dragging the line of an arc segment will not manipulate the segment like it will if the segment
     is a line or a bezier (and therefore not all segments can be dragged, whereas they could
     before) (maybe a different behaviour is desired here)
 - The arc flags (the large flag and sweep flag) can be set using new buttons in the node toolbar

I'm still a new contributor, so let me know what I should do next. I guess I need to create a merge request on gitlab?


(Currently the code is here: https://gitlab.com/danieljabailey/inkscape/tree/danieljabailey_arc_node_editor)

(Previous discussion can be found in the messages from 2016 in these search results: https://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/search/?q=Arcs+in+the+path+editor&mail_list=inkscape-devel)