On Fri, 2013-05-10 at 19:51 +0200, Krzysztof KosiĆski wrote:
2013/5/10 Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...8...>:
Hi Johan and others,
The SVG Working Group discussed variable width strokes last night. A number of questions came about how it should be implemented in SVG. As we have this implemented via the Power Stroke (PS) LPE it would be interesting to get some feedback from Johan and others about these topics:
This was not explicitly mentioned but I have 2 questions.
- Will this 'variable stroke' feature be assigned a specific feature
name to use with svg:switch?
I'll bring this up.
- Does the SVG WG consider implementing this as a vector effect
rather than as a core property? Using a vector effect would be safer IMO, because if a bug or shortcoming is found in the mathematical specification of the effect, a new effect can be introduced in a later revision of the standard which has a different element name - this way legacy documents could still display the same while new documents could be authored with the improved effect. Moreover, I think it would be easier to provide fallbacks for viewers which wouldn't support this feature.
You are probably right but I don't think this will get much traction.
The group seems to favor using a percentage of the stroke-width so that the natural fallback would be a stroke with that fixed width.