21 Aug
21 Aug
8:09 p.m.
Thanks for updating the test page with Inkcape CVS renderings. I have a few comments:
- Can you make the images larger? It's difficult to compare in such small size. If the page has to scroll horizontally I think it's OK.
- The W3C images are scaled in the browser, which makes them look ugly and makes comparing with Inkscape's AA images more difficult. Can you prescale them with AA?
- Inkscape renderings show "broken image" often. I just tested masking-path-04-b, struct-image-01-t and render-groups-01-b, they show correct imported bitmaps for me in Inkscape, both in GUI and in commandline rendering. Can you check what's wrong with your setup to fix this?
bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.