It also looks like the existing Edit/Clone dialog with P3 as the symmetry should allow us to see the result as a tiling. But I admit I couldn't work out the proper values to get this object to tile: - I'm sure there is set of shift values which will do it but the UI defeated me :( One day IWBNI this was on a tab like Object/"Align and Distibute", "Rows and Columns" and "Transform "
On 4/2/2014 2:18 PM, Mark Schafer wrote:
On 4/2/2014 9:30 AM, Nathan Hurst wrote:
On Wed, Apr 02, 2014 at 06:46:16AM +1300, Mark Schafer wrote:
Saw this great project. Would make a great plugin for inkscape. Posting for the future...
Brilliant. This would make a great GSoC project, especially if we put all the routing geometry stuff in.
The stroke to path is excellent at allowing for the kerf lost when cut by a router. This aspect could be integrated but maybe its enough that you can do it in inkscape now. A hint in docs would probably do. Its possible but I haven't tested it - that the existing gcode export extensions will create suitable gcode.
If we manage one day to get python (cross-platform) integration then this could just be a python extension. Then it would not require the enormous effort required to make an integration with the core. (IMHO). I think I saw a proposal about doing a different kind of python integration but have lost the ref.
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