On Fri, 2018-10-19 at 23:56 +0200, Patrick Storz wrote:
Can you elaborate on how a color palette can be "unwelcoming" or even "harsh and varied"? For me that sounds like a very subjective statement.... If individuals don't like the spectrum of the default palette they can just choose a different palette after all!
Subjectivity - This is going to be VERY subjective. I'm not going to place anything on the alter of perfect.
Unwelcoming - The colours, when viewed for the first time, do not create warmth and joy to the eyes. There are colours that appeal more to the majority although this might be style of the times, not something we should be afraid of though.
Harsh - The primary colours are RGB primary colours and some of the harsher dark tones.
Varied - After the harsh tones comes the colour tones which contain way too much variation for a default palette. Three per colour is enough.
So. To have a good default, I would like to see a palette which is Broadly "to the majority of people exposed to it", welcoming "is generally attractive to the eye" mellow "doesn't default to RGB primaries" and smaller "contains three tones per hue".
But this is a pallet we could user test too.
Best Regards, Martin Owens