25 Mar
25 Mar
1:21 p.m.
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Jesus Mager wrote:
New From Template dialog Is it a better option than kidscape? Should it only be the interface, or may be also a guitool to make new templates (dynamical)??
I'm the author of that blueprint. The idea was that some dynamical template creators/extensions written in Python (or any otehr script langauge) like Perfect Bound Cover (0.46) or Foldable Box (0.47/SVN) should be available from this dialog. Which means that some extensions should be able to register themselves as templates and be categorized//tagged.
I wouldn't dream of recommending NFT over kidscape. However, IIRC, kidscape project was influenced by OLPC project which is now turning away from Linux.