So guys please select a way for UniConvertor integration. As for our project we have resolved support issues from our users concerning UniConvertor update providing current UniConvertor MSI package. But I can not insist on a certain variant of Inkscape development because you better know the objectives, methods and requirements of your project. Nevertheless we are ready improving any integration variant.
Igor Novikov sK1 Project http://sk1project.org
On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Jon Cruz <jon@...18...> wrote:
On Jul 9, 2010, at 1:40 AM, Igor Novikov wrote:
uniconvw is pyGtk based so it's the same toolkit as Inkscape used.
Actually there is no problem in using GUI way because it has the same L&F and this dialog can be screen centered. Even transitional and modal features is possible if you will pass Inkscape window xid/winID. Under Windows to look more natively Inkscape calls WinAPI dialogs. So it's already toolkit mixing. But under win platform it's considered like rather advanced feature than a bad coding. At opposite cmd window for translation process is a worst case. Common win pattern is: avoid using command line, prefer library function calls.
Well... there are many differences, *especially* if we go with separate installs. I've worked in this area a lot, so I've seen many of the surprises.
Passing win id's is also very problematic. This was, among other things, a big problem with the XEmbed / GTKPlug / System tray implementations (server and client).
Additionally, we've been having more and more problems as the Win32 dialogs diverge, so we're either backing those out to GTK's, or making it a runtime switch.