bulia byak wrote:
On 1/6/06, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...533...> wrote:
B) that you can be VERY intimidating to people that don't know you...
Joshua, I realize that what I'm now going to say may not sound very polite, but I have to ask you (and everyone else) to please stop making such accusations without supporting them with any facts. I strive to be extremely polite and to the point in everything I write. Maybe I fail sometimes, but then I would apprecitate specific pointers to such occasions. Sorry but I'm getting tired of this "bbyak is intimidating" talk which is never adequately proven or even explained. If you are prepared to make a case against me supported by evidence, I would like to hear, and I will apologize if proven wrong. If you are not prepared to do this, I would appreciate your keeping your opinion about me in private. Is this not too much to ask?
It is not too much to ask. But, intimidation is a feeling and not easily rationalized or explained. So it may be difficult to give examples that prove. I'm convinced that this feeling of intimidation is caused by differences of culture and language. In my dealings with you I initially felt intimidated. But as I realized that English isn't your first language (which is easy to forget because you have a perfect grasp on grammar and spelling) I realized that the force with which I understood your words was not the force with which you had written them. It is these dynamics that make international interpersonal communication interesting, I think we as a community are doing pretty well.
Aaron Spike