Hi guys,
Just letting you know I've moved all previous Win32 patches for 0.46 to /packaging/win32/patches/0.46, and created a new 0.46.1 directory, just to keep things neat.
Bryce and others have expressed concern about linux distros getting narky about unnecessary bug fixes, hence keeping the Win32 only patches separate. That way we can fix a bunch of stuff that was still broken in the win32 0.46 release and not bother the linux distro people at all. All these patches should already be in trunk, and so should automatically make it into 0.47 without remaining separate (I think).
The Mac guys might like to do the same ??
Can we keep milestoning bugs for certain releases (unless they're not likely to be solved by 0.47) - with only bug fixes of existing features being marked of 0.46.1. Can we also start adding patches to the win32 0.46.1 section for stuff that's been tried in trunk? I've committed two patches that were in trunk, but there are a bunch more out there already.