So, quick update

Am 16.07.2017 um 13:38 schrieb Eduard Braun:
I have a list of three items that we should address before a 0.92.2 release. The first two are "simple" bugs which I think are too bad to ship another release with them (i.e. "blockers"):
I was able to come up with a cairo patch that avoids the crash:
Unfortunately I have no experience with cairo, so I don't really know if what I'm doing makes sense and there was no answer by cairo-devs yet, so I'm unsure on how to proceed...
The prints I tested with the patched cairo show some weird issues with clipping which might highlight a more fundamental issue though, so there's still work to do, but at least we can provide a build that does not crash when printing...

No comments on this issue? Who was looking into the line-height bug(s)?
I don't want to nag but this is one of these issues that have the potential to produce very bad PR if we don't get it right for yet another release!
