Op dinsdag 29 november 2005 14:08, schreef aaron@...749...:
This should be easy if you override the default output() method of inkex.py to allow you to do what you need (eg. give it a function body of "pass"). Then you should be able to:
- create a temporary directory in an OS independent way using the
tempfile module. 2. copy all images to this directory 3. rename all paths in the in memory copy of the document 4. use python to save the file into the directory 5. zip the directory and give to inkscape
The plugin now just saves the zip. It doesn't return (give) it to inkscape. Is it necessary to return it?
I'll try above in the next version.
The bug is not specific for the zip-extension. In my bugreport I give the example with the Connect the Dots effect and the .ps output. In this example you end up with a .ps-file which really is a plain svg-file.
Ok, weird. This sounds like one very good argument for why we shouldn't "save" to filetypes other than SVG. PS output should be an export and certainly shouldn't change the filetype of the working document.
I agree on this. Most programs handle other file formats this way.