6 Apr
6 Apr
5:25 a.m.
Hello there!
I just installed the latest cvs spanshot. Fantastic work, guys! I'm so proud of you - you are a great team! I liked all the new icons you have added/changed in the toolbar and the menus! Thumbs up! Thanks so much!
Almost all the bugs/issues I had with 10-days-old snapshot are gone. Brilliant!
But still, two issues remain:
- inkscape doesn't remember the print command after shutdown, and reverts to default "lp" after startup (bug #925221) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=925221&gro...
- it still opens any file in a new instance (bug #928517) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=928517&gro...
Thanks again for your work and good luck!
KDEvibes ::: audio environment for KDE ::: http://kdevibes.artemio.net/
[local time 08:18:24 (GMT +3) 6 April 2004] [system uptime 1 hr 29 min]